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“EDiMA comments on Napster/BMG - Scour/Listen.com”
- 3 November 2000

Following the recent deals between Napster and Bertelsmann and Scour/Listen.com the trade association representing major digital media companies in Europe says it is heartened by the fact that the music industry is embracing the new technologies.

Commenting on the deals The European Digital Media Association (EDiMA) said that this is the first significant demonstration of a major label embracing new technology and this is a positive step forward. The new technology, including file-sharing, will largely contribute to the increase of music sales on a global scale. However, the deal does not make Napster, in its current form, any more legal than before and EDiMA is looking forward to seeing this service enforce copyright law. EDiMA was formed a few months ago to represent the interests of new business model companies in Europe including streamers, downloaders and webcasters. It aims to lobby on behalf of the industry in the Brussels institutions and to concentrate its immediate work on cross-border issues, competition and the future for collection societies in the new e-world situation. It intends to contribute to the creation of a healthy business and legal environment in Europe that encourages new media companies to deploy innovative technologies that support public policies and industry practices for the purpose of marketing, promoting, selling and protecting digital copyrighted content.

Further information from Wes Himes or John Clarke onĀ 
