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Copyright issues

The dissemination of music by streaming or download raises various copyright issues, such as rights clearing. In addition, the EU Copyright Directive, to be implemented in all EU countries by end 2002, raises serious concerns for on-line music companies, e.g., with respect to mechanical and performing rights and applicable law. The harmonisation of copyright legislation within Europe and the creation of a healthy business and legal environment are of crucial importance for the development of the online music market.

Clearance of rights and the role of collecting societies

Collecting societies are in the process of formulating their policies with respect to on-line music licensing, including the definition of their mandates, the copyright legislations applicable, reciprocal arrangements between collecting societies, etc. The resolution of these issues will be crucial to online music companies. EDiMA is also engaged in discussions with the European Comission with respect to collective management as a whole in the EU.

Role of Technology

Throughout the digital media industry, there are on-going debates coupled with public and private efforts to address some of the more contentious issues regarding technology and digital media delivery today. With many different actors in the digital media space the viewpoints taken on technology-related issues can differ greatly. In its capacity as a grouping of digital media companies with a wide range of activities, EDiMA is uniquely placed to combine the views of technology providers and content distributors and to find a middle ground between the wide-spectrum of views. For more information on EDiMA view's with respect to this debate, click here

Taxation of on-line music sales

The European Commission and National Governments are concerned about the collection of indirect taxes (such as VAT) on digital goods that can be downloaded over the Internet. Some decisions may impose substantial technical and financial burdens on on-line music companies, and may adversely affect the growth of the online music market.
Moreover, EDiMA will work on ensuring the wider application of reduced VAT on cultural goods including music.

Data protection issues arising in on-line music transactions

As in the case of on-line business generally, the on-line distribution of music raises significant issues under the Data Protection Directive. However, many new media companies need to use personal data so as to provide comprehensive services to their customers and users.

Proposed WIPO Broadcaster Rights Treaty

Negotiations have been under way for some time concerning a possible new WIPO treaty on broadcaster rights. This treaty would have significant implications for on-line music companies, especially those involved in webcasting.